Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's Juan-uary...and the drama begins

Alrighty well it's another 2 day long episode.  They really need to stop doing that since I don't have cable and always end up watching 4 hours worth of Bachelor in one sitting the next day.

Let's start with the "behind the scenes" episode.  Chris Harrison and JP visit viewing parties blah blah blah same old, same old.  But this boring beginning is made up for by the fact that JP and Camila later play in fake snow and go ice skating together! Camila has never seen snow before so she is adorable when she gets to experience it for the first time...and I kinda fall in love with JP whenever he's with/talks about his daughter.  
If I didn't already have a Mac, this would make me buy one

After this, the girls pretend to like each other and have fun at the mansion while JP catches up with Sean and Catherine.  I'm still angry he didn't pick Des, but I guess they're a little cute.  They're either getting married in January or was unclear.  Following a few scenes of girls crying because they got sent home on the first day comes the fun part:  sneak peak at the Drama Causers.

1) Victoria: Married when she was 18 and now divorced.  Says guys her age can't relate to her and are like "you're so pretty...let's sleep together".  Thinks she has a lot in common with JP because she can recite a bunch of common knowledge facts about him.

2) Lucinda: "It just feels good to be naked." Need I say more?? But really, she's weird.  I'm pretty sure she thinks she's a fairy or something.

3) Elyse: Her mom died of melanoma a while ago.  Sad right? But (of course there's a but) turns out her mom wrote a letter about her to submit to the Bachelor before she died.  Whyyyyyy???

4) Amy: Not too bad.  She did a fake newscast about herself looking for love, but whatever.

5) Clare: Part Mexican. Dad died of brain cancer.  He made a DVD before he died for her future husband to watch.  These parents really have no faith in their children to do things on their own.  

Well that's all I've got for tonight.  Stay tuned for Week 2 Part 2 in the next couple days. <3 Ash

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