Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mostly Sports, But Some Other Things Too

So a lot of my life has been sporting events lately. I feel pretty good about it, but I'm also thinking maybe we should diversify our outings. 

Aaron and I went to the Red Wings game. I was like 95% sure he wasn't going to go if Zack and I didn't go, so I decided I'd be nice and go with him. They don't come to DC often, so you gotta see them while you can. Also, the tickets were only $20! And you can buy tickets up to an hour after the game starts, which seems a little crazy. But anyway, that means tickets go down to like $7 if you're willing to miss the first few minutes. So that's useful if you guys ever find yourself in downtown DC with time to kill.

The game was super close and the Wings came from behind to win! But, I noticed the guys in front of us took a snapchat of me and Aaron, which seemed kinda rude. But then, I'm pretty sure they thought we were on a super bad date. Like no touching; not that much talking; a lot of texting--all the signs of a bad date. Jokes on them though! We'll never date!

We we were Kris Kross for Halloween. We looked like this and I had a lot of vodka gummy worms:

The next weekend we went to the DC United playoff game, which Zack was pretty excited about. The sad news was that DC didn't end up advancing to the next round. It's a weird play off system that doesn't make a ton of sense to me. The sad news is that I was pretty sick at this game and Zack also lost his voice.

After standing in the cold for like 5 hours, we had to go home and then come back out for Samantha's birthday! You guys remember her, right? She just turned 23 because she's a baby. It was really fun! We played cards against humanity, which is apparently a game I can get into, despite not usually liking games, especially card games.

We had to leave the party pretty early because the next day we needed to go to Baltimore for the Raven's game! My boss gave us the tickets because he has seasons tickets, but wasn't able to go. I was a little surprised he gave the tickets to me, Stephanie and Zack, because he sort of has a reputation for being part of the boys club. But I definitely think it helps that Zack and I went to an NFL game by ourselves earlier in the season and that I talk Michigan Football with him.

I'd never been to Baltimore before, and I don't really feel like this trip counted because we just went to like Camden Yards and the football field--no sightseeing or anything. But, I guess I didn't realize how close Baltimore is to DC! I think we're going to try to make another trip out--but probably not until 2015, which is a little crazy to say.
The game was really fun! The Ravens won, we had a really good view, it wasn't that cold, there were a bunch of drunk guys behind us, and even though one of them threw up on himself, none of it got on us! (I'm counting it as a victory, because it was a close call.) But, the drunk men did manage to spill beer on us. So that sort of sucked, but not like I was wearing anything important anyway.

The sad news is, this was not good my health and I spent a lot of last week sick. Even Veterans' Day, which was supposed to be a fun day off.  Instead, I just spent a lot of time sleeping and coughing. Turns out it's an upper respiratory infection! Woooooooooo. It's mostly better now though--yay modern medicine.

Which is good because yesterday I went to the Maryland-MSU game with Mattan and his girlfriend (who actually went to UMD)! It was a great time! So the Big House is amazing and I love it. Let's get that straight. But the thing is, this was so much more convenient than if I had tried to get three non students into the Michigan student section. We just bought the tickets, no validation required. We were able to sneak in two beers to the stadium. I got a free tshirt that says "FEAR THE TURTLE," which I think is an amazing slogan. We sat in the third row at the 10 yard line and had plenty of room to dance. Also, a freshman in front of me bought me hot chocolate for no reason? Maybe she was hitting on me. Maybe she was just super nice? Either way, it was only $4.25 so...I only feel a little bad.
I don't know what my rooting interests should have been, but both teams looked a little ridiculous. So I feel pretty good about us winning next weekend. One weird thing was that Maryland students didn't seem to get that MSU is not the same as Michigan. I guess they'll figure it out next week though. Jeez, get better at Big Ten, Maryland. Everyone else knows the difference. 

Some random things I want you guys to see:. I made fancy brownies and my flowers are doing excellent:

 Also, I have 4/15 law school applications in, so maybe I will actually go to law school. Who knows.

EDIT (11/16/14 8:48 PM): 5/15 law school applications in. Woo.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Alumni-Student Paradox

    (I feel like this could be the title of an episode of the Big Bang Theory.)
    hoke 9-15
    I still love you, Brady
    I finally got to watch some Michigan football this weekend now that my moonlighting job has died down with the wedding season. I have a 2-0 record, so using science I can say that I am the singular reason we won yesterday, and against App. State. I also left both of these games at half-time, because it turns out I am a much worse fan now than I was two years ago. Also I was afraid my toes were falling off, don't judge me for being a wimp.

    It's weird being a student and an alum at the same time right now, because half the people I see around Ann Arbor are old friends and half are new. When I'm in class, most of the people I talk to are from out of state or out of country, and it's all pretty focused on getting that degree. But then I see old friends and I feel like I'm still in undergrad. As much as I love Ann Arbor, this has shown me that I should not live here as a non-student, I would just be too confused.
    So cold
    Blaine was in town this weekend for the Indiana game, and just because she sometimes gets a week off at a time with her wacky nurse schedule. This was great, because I like Blaine! I went to the game with her and Kathleen and then dinner and then to this bar called Bab's that I have never been to before because it isn't on South U. and charges 8$ for a drink. But it was way classy and worth the 8$.
    Lately I've been super busy, which isn't a thing I'm really used to since my job last year was a joke and I spent most of college watching The Bachelor. I feel like I'm always in class or at work, and most days I'm gone from 8AM to 10PM. This isn't that impressive, though, because Kirstin is awake and at work before me and also usually gets home super late, so we are just both absent roommates. Now that midterms are over I will get a little break from proctoring, so I can finally catch up on episodes of The Voice. Even though Shakira is gone and she was my favorite.
    Women at health center with ONP health education posters.
    Today I had a meeting for what I am calling "Uganda Club," which is actually a group of students working with Progressive Health Partnership, doing grant writing and fundraising for their work in maternal and infant health care. I'm hoping that I can put together a research project and do my internship with PHP this summer, too, which will hopefully be more exciting than writing grant proposals, because that is turning out to be kind of a bummer. But I'm pretty into moms, so at least the topics are a fun time.

    I just did a countdown, and there's only 3 weeks till CARTSgiving! I'm really excited for all the mystery train and Mexican food and to be all together again!