Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Memo Week ---> Memo Weak

This gif is all I can really  say about this week. Our first memo is due Friday. But the upside is that if I make it through, then I get a week off. Highlights should include:
  • Seeing Zacky for our 6 year anniversary
  • Seeing Reba and my mom and my dad
  • Seeing Teeners and Taylor
  • Not seeing Ashulee and Bobby
  • Just kidding
  • Eating a lot of carbs and dairy
  • Still studying a lot
  • Going to a real mall with actual stores
  • Going to DC 
  • Having bottomless mimosas at brunch
  • Not writing this memo anymore
I'll try to write more later, but I don't want Teeners to dominate the blog, so I figured something short was better than nothing. Also, feel free to ask me about joint ventures if you want a noncommittal and very confused answer, which I'm sure is what most people are looking for when they want legal advice.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


This is (probably) the last Fall semester I will ever have, which is weird and makes me think I should be more nostalgic and emotional but really I am just ready to finish this up and become a real person finally. My classes are interesting, although sometimes I tell myself I don't need to pay attention/attend them because I'm not getting a PhD so this theory stuff isn't important. This is probably a mistake...

As you've all heard (unless you are not ART and are a stranger reading this...), I have a new favorite class. I still really like public health genetics, but I'm not taking any classes in that field this semester and instead am getting really into social epidemiology. This is where we look at how social inequality generates health inequality. Some of it is super obvious, like low SES being associated with pretty much every disease ever. Other stuff is more surprising, like having greater social stratification in a community being associated with lower average height. Even if you are rich, your health is worse in some areas because of the presence of inequality. CRAZY! So I might need to get on board with Patrick's communist revolution soon.

Classes are only a small part of my schedule this semester and it seems like all the other things are making me feel busy. I have a problem where I fill out every google interest form that gets sent to me, and then I just go ahead and sign up for leadership positions that I really wouldn't be good at. I also have been swimming most days, because for one of my classes we have to make a health behavior goal and write a report on it and also because if I get to campus early and swim before class I miss traffic (#commuterlife). I think I've got a grip on things now, though, and hopefully will be a little less crazy.

Here are some pictures of activities so far this semester:

First football game!

Michael's last juggling show before moving to South Sudan:

Bobshley visit!:

The class I am in right now:

Apple picking with mostly people I've never met: