Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Memo Week ---> Memo Weak

This gif is all I can really  say about this week. Our first memo is due Friday. But the upside is that if I make it through, then I get a week off. Highlights should include:
  • Seeing Zacky for our 6 year anniversary
  • Seeing Reba and my mom and my dad
  • Seeing Teeners and Taylor
  • Not seeing Ashulee and Bobby
  • Just kidding
  • Eating a lot of carbs and dairy
  • Still studying a lot
  • Going to a real mall with actual stores
  • Going to DC 
  • Having bottomless mimosas at brunch
  • Not writing this memo anymore
I'll try to write more later, but I don't want Teeners to dominate the blog, so I figured something short was better than nothing. Also, feel free to ask me about joint ventures if you want a noncommittal and very confused answer, which I'm sure is what most people are looking for when they want legal advice.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad "Need more wine" is becoming a tag for our blog. I'm sure soon it will be as well-used as "Juan Pablo"
