Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fun Things! (Part 1--La maison blanche)

Since TCAB left DC we've been doing pretty fun things. We were also doing fun things while they were here too. So really, we've been doing fun things for the last month.

This past Saturday we went to the White House for a tour! We might have mentioned it, but the tour we were supposed to take got canceled because of a snow day. Let me remind what a snow day looks like here:

You'll notice, there's not actually any snow. And while I was happy to have an unexpected (paid) day off from work, it was a little disappointing because if we had gone then, we would have seen all the Christmas decorations AND we could've taken pictures. But whatever. Over it.

The tour was really cool! We only went in the East Wing. So it wasn't really like we were on Teenie's favorite show--you have to know someone legit at the White House to go to there. The building itself was actually way smaller that I thought. It's really not that big of a place, but they really do like to cram in artwork. 

Highlights include:

Obama's Muslim Prayer Curtain. Or you know, maybe that's just the decor of the biggest room in the White House. Believe what you want, libtards--it's def covered in Arab symbols.

The China Room. Each president has the option to pick their own china pattern and have it made. Who knew Rutherford Hayes had such weird taste in China--or I mean I guess it was his wife that was the weirdo.

The Blue Room. It's big. Looks a little like Michigan. It's fancy.  There was a secret service guy in there who was telling us a lot of cool facts (none of which I remember).  Since it's a self-guided tour you have to rely on the secret service to answer your questions. I thought they were only gonna talk to us if we initiated the conversation but they were like real tour guides and were super friendly!

You can only take pictures outside so we did that. But, it was raining really hard so we didn't take too many. You gotta take what you can get, I guess.

With my Kruppcake, the guy who got us in!

I was pretty content with just going to the East Wing BUT on Monday, one of my coworkers asked me if I wanted to go bowling at the White House and a like team bonding thing! Uh, duh I want to go bowling at the White House! Also, I got to gloat because not everyone in the office got to go! So, suck it everyone who didn't get to go! (Jokes, they're all nice people.)

So after work we went to a bar to kill some time, picked up our pizza, and picked up beer and wine. It's funny, for the East Wing tour you couldn't bring your purse, you couldn't have your phone out, and you had to be sniffed by a dog.  For this, you could bring whatever food and drink you wanted and security was way more lax.

The bowling alley itself isn't actually that impressive:

It was built in 1947 by Truman and hasn't really been updated, other than to add goofy portraits of the presidents with bowling balls. But you know, you go to say you went, not for the high caliber of bowling. 

We split in to teams, and unfortunately my team lost. It wasn't one of my better bowling performances, if I'm honest. But you know, whatever. I went to the White House twice in a week. I'll probably be living there soon--nbd.

Here's some misc pics:

Samantha who you may (or may not) remember from New Years. Also Barack.
Look at that stance! Also, presidents don't have to wear bowling shoes?

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