Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Teeners the Film Critic

Last night, I went to see The Butler. I already sent Taylor an all-caps text about how much I loved this movie, but even the next day I am really obsessed. It's like last month when I saw Frozen. Both life-changing. I thought I'd blog to ART about it, also just to tell you about my life in general. Here we go.
The movie was for free at a theater by our house called the Redford Theater. This might make you think it was in Redford, but Redford Theater is actually in Detroit, just a few blocks from my house. I can walk there when it's not so cold that my snot freezes. It's called the Redford Theater because when they started to build it, this area was not yet part of Detroit, but by the time it opened in 1928 it was. Next door to the theater now you can find the best hot chocolate in the whole world. If you ask, they will tell you how they make it, but I prefer to keep it mysterious.
Who says Detroit isn't cute?
Anyway, the movie was free because AARP sponsored it, but they still let us in because we look so old and mature and also because it wasn't limited to AARP members. Emily, Ashley, and I went. We are also the three housemates who all work at NSO, but we work in different programs so aren't really together at work. I digress.

Misleading poster. The Butler isn't into Black Power
The movie was so good! I cried like 6 times at least, because it's about civil rights and this is a pretty sad subject because racism is really violent. This February I have heard a lot more than usual about black history month, and it makes me feel simultaneously bad for my white privilege and sad for all the inequalities that still exist but also pretty pumped because things are looking a lot better now than they were in 1964. Maybe not in Arizona, though.
It was really interesting how many presidents they showed dealing with race issues, from Eisenhower through Reagan. Also, the presidents were played by pretty famous people like Robin Williams, James Marsden, John Cusack, and Severus Snape. Guess who played who! If you haven't seen the movie yet, you should. Then you should go see Frozen. I'm still obsessed with that one, too.
Tonight, I get to go to the Detroit Opera House where Rachel and I will be trained to be ushers! Then we can go see free shows! We already got to see one free show where we didn't usher and got to sit in the 6th row. It was American Idiot, the one with all Green Day music. I wouldn't have bought tickets to it, but it was good. Very angsty. Very Green Day.
Where I will be tonight!
Also coming up in my life is pottery this Friday (I did pottery last Friday, too, I'm not that bad at it) where we will make bowls for a fundraising-soup dinner. Then Saturday I am going to a wedding with Bobby, because Ashley is a bad girlfriend and going on Spring Break. Yay weddings!

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