Wednesday, January 22, 2014

To Keep Our Blog from Being Entirely About the Bachelor

I've come to the conclusion that weekends shorter than three days are hardly worth having.

Zack was in Vegas all of last week so I was living up the single lyfe! It was a little lonely, but it also felt good to be an independent woman for the first time in a while.

Friday I went out to this bar called The Mad Hatter with my coworkers. We don't go out super often, so that was nice! Also, rail drinks were only $3, which is super cheap for DC.  I was supposed to meet up with A-A-ron but he didn't have his plans together early enough so I went home, ate Chipotle, drank wine and watched 30 Rock. So that's pretty much straight spinster life right there.

Saturday Morning Brie and I went to the Newseum. It's one of DC's not-free museums, but, unlike the Spy Museum, I definitely thought it was worth it! Also, if you get ticket it's good for two days. So if we ever decide to go, we can do shifts and pay half as much!

They had an interesting/sad 9/11 exhibit. It's the antenna from the top of one of the towers and headlines from around the world on September 12th.  There's one that just reads "BASTARDS" as the headline. I don't know where that one was from, but that definitely doesn't seem like the best headline, you know? Also, some woman thought it was really interesting that none of our teachers told us what was going on while we were in class that day. And that even though my friend told me "Two planes ran into a building," I didn't get what was going on until way later that night.

They also had a lot of JFK stuff, which makes sense.  They have a 90 foot screen that shows scenes from his life. It was pretty interesting, but I think it's temporary.

Also that feeds directly into something pretty much tailor-made for Teeners. It's called "Make Some Noise" and is all about the student movements during the 1960s. They have the actual table from one of the first sit ins in Greensboro, NC. They've got a ton of pictures, and a lot of descriptions. I'm sure it's all much to elementary for you, Teener--after all, she is published on the matter.

My favorite, though, was the Pulitzer Prize Photographs. It was a lot more like a history lesson that just the news. A lot about the Vietnam War, though, which is always sad, and very frustrating. But I think they did a good job sprinkling in happy/unbelievable photos too so you didn't get too down.

But, the most surprising thing at the Newseum, to me, was that freaking LL Cool J explains your first amendment rights to you?  I can't say I'm familiar with the entirety of his work, but I definitely didn't think ANY of it touched on first amendment rights. But... I guess it's to make constitutional rights "cool" and "hip."

After that we got Chinese food and met up with Mattan, who had decided to shave his head bald. Turns out I'm really freaked out by bald heads. They just look so...vulnerable. So, if any of you are considering going completely bald, don't be surprised if I ask you to cover up.

Then we met up with Aaron and a bunch of his friends and went to the Pistons game! I got to see my favorite person in the world: Greg Monroe. The Pistons beat the Wizards, but missed two free throws in the fourth quarter so everyone in the stadium got free Chik-fil-a! It was really the best combination of things from my perspective.

Sunday I made orgasm brownies:

They were less fudgy than I wanted, but still tasted good.

I was a little bit rushed because I had to go all the way out to Silver Spring for a painting thing with Brie. (It was kind of like I dated Brie this weekend instead of Zack--we did a lot of stuff together)

When we got there the lady said that she didn't have our reservation, but she'd squeeze us in anyway.  It was in a restaurant/bar so there were people like actually eating and trying to just be normal, so that was a little weird. Also, there was way less instruction than what you get at Painting with a Twist, which made the experience feel more stressful, I feel. This is what I ended up with:

I guess it looks nice. You know how when you've looked at something too long, all you see is the mistakes? That's where I'm at right now.  The colors are nice though.

Then I had to rush home because Zack was finally back! We had like an hour before we went to Elizabeth's house to watch the premier of Sherlock.  I like Sherlock, but the problem is that every episode is 90 minutes long, so it's like a REALLY big commitment to watch one episode.  Elizabeth really went all out and had "fish and chips" (chips with goldfish), shepherd's pie, scones, tea, cider, and beer. She's always good for things like that.

People think he's cute. I don't see it. Like, at all.
After we got home Zack was crazy tired. So we went to bed. We also had to go bed early to be in top shape for babbbiiessssssss. We finally got to see our baby friends!

Zack traditionally takes care of Ben and I cuddle with Eli. So that's what we did. Though I did make friends with Ben too. Also Max, the old boy, thinks Zack is really cool so they play together. BUT this time I was the cool one because I brought Max a space book! Both of his parents were like "Oh wow, we've never seen this one before. Good find!" I hadn't even considered that he might already the book I had bought, but luckily he didn't have the one I got! We had to read it three times before we left and he was super into it each time.

Space book, best book.
Also we ate sushi. And the babies were naked for a little while, which is always cute. Then we went home, thinking we would have to go to work in the morning. BUT THEN WE DIDN'T WOOOOOOO

I happened to wake up at 4:30, checked the website that says whether or not the federal government is open (it wasn't) and then went back to sleep. At 6:30 my boss texted me telling me not to come in. At 7:30 a bunch of my coworkers texted me asking if we had work. So really, my sleeping was all messed up. So I got up and made hash browns and pancakes. Then we ate and went back to sleep til noon. You know, adult life. By the way, this is what it looked like outside until about 10:00am:

Then we went to Chik-fil-a to cash in on my free sandwich! I made a small snowman outside. Then I bought floss-y-thingies and we went back home. It was actually starting to snow a little. But you know, not like a ton. In all I think we got about two and a half inches. I guess they had four in Maryland. So, big whoop. It eventually looked like this:

There was a little more later. But I didn't take a picture.
I got bored, so I busted out my sewing machine and completed a project I'd put off for one and a half years:

Senegal pilloowsssss. Pretty easy to make! And now our couch is a little classier, but a little less school spirited.

Then Zack made us a nice dinner:

Chicken, rice, wine. Yum.
Then I had to go into work and answer my kajillion emails. That was less good. But you know, you don't look gift snow days in the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of feelings about this blog.
    1. Excellent use of links, I love the destiny's child reference
    2. I do love me some student protest!
    3. Those pillows are awesome, I'm really impressed
    4. You are such a good gift giver for small children! I'm glad I can count on you for my future kids
