Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Next Food Network Star?

Based on my Facebook feed, I know that this past weekend was a joyous holiday for the young folk, and that most people celebrated by drinking green alcohol and taking a lot of selfies. Apparently some people even got a snow day Monday to extend the celebrations. Apparently these same people get way too many snow days and it really isn't fair. Well, my St. Patrick's Day weekend in Detroit was not full of these traditional celebrations. Instead I went to a wedding shower, crafted, watched movies, and did other activities typically associated with middle aged women.
I'm the one on the right
First, I will review the movie I saw Sunday, which was Veronica Mars. It was really good. That's my whole review, I guess.
Teenage spy becomes grown-up spy is a good plot
The real reason I wanted to blog is because I was cooking dinner for my house yesterday and realized that I've become sort of decent at cooking and definitely the meals I make are pretty unique (because I'm recipe illiterate), and I also tend to talk to myself like I'm Bobby Flay. If we put these things together, I should obviously have my own show on the Food Network. It could be about cooking on a budget, because another skill I possess is being incredibly cheap.
I went grocery shopping yesterday and used the manager's specials at Kroger to inspire my meal. Here's my cooking blog:
Turkey Pot Pie-ish
Ground Turkey - $2.99 (buy one get one free!)
Mushrooms - $1.29 (managers special!)
Celery - $I don't know because I didn't buy them
Carrots - $.99
Kale - $.89
Milk - $2.69 (but I didn't use the whole gallon
Flour - $we just have this in our cupboard
Pie Crust - $1.99 (for two pies!)
Pilsbury biscuits (or kroger brand) - $1.25
Add it all up and that's a dinner for six that costs less than $12. And it has meat. Win!
Step 1. Cook turkey and mushrooms in skillet. Add everything but the pie crust and biscuits and stir till it looks good.
Step 2. Pour into pie crusts, cover with biscuits, bake until it looks done.
It even looks healthy!

I took a picture of the pie-thing in process, but forgot to get one of the finished product. Let's assume it looks like this:
Wow, I'm a good chef
Anyway, you should all visit me and I'll cook you something weird, too! My new Rachel told me yesterday, "If you are what you eat, no one is really sure what you are." But I am definitely edible, so that's what matters.

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